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The Rye

The Rye

Thursday, 19 August 2010

Abbey Underpass

The Abbey Underpass has now been re-vamped with a graffiti mural. This sterling work was all possible thanks to the determination and countless hours of work by PCSO Criona Riordan and Crime Prevention Officer Gemma Herbert. Please come visit the underpass and let us know what you think of it!

Monday, 9 August 2010

July Update

This month’s neighbourhood update for Abbey and Ryemead comes from PC Andrew Gilbert:

July has been another busy month in the neighbourhood and has seen the break up of schools and the start of the summer holidays.
This has meant the start of our annual Operation Gauntlet which is intended to tackle violent crime on the Rye and Town Centre. This operation was first initiated two years ago after it was noticed that violent crime increased during the summer holidays. The results last year were remarkable with a dramatic decrease in robberies. This year we have a mobile police station on the Rye during office hours with officers giving out crime prevention. Please come down and see us on the Rye.

Anti-Social Behaviour
This month has seen a rise in the number of calls we have been receiving about mini motos. Primarily groups of young boys have been whizzing around the fields and woods around Tom Burt’s Wood and Poet’s Corner area. This is anti-social, dangerous and illegal. Mini motos can strictly only be ridden on private land. Police Community Support Officer Riordan has done some sterling work in identifying the offenders and Section 59 warnings have been issued to all those concerned. Unfortunately we can’t seize their bikes until we catch them in the act but at the moment the warnings seem to have worked. Please continue to call in if these mini motos continue to be a problem.

There have no serious parking problems this month. We have found there have been a growing number of calls regarding heavy parking around the King’s Road area. This will be monitored and tickets issued where appropriate.

There have been no specific speeding issues this month.

Good News
There is now access on the web site to see the level of crime in Abbey and Ryemead. In the three months from April to June this year all crime was down by 20 per cent. The biggest decrease was in burglaries which were down by 40 per cent. This is excellent news.
After nearly a year of negotiations we have persuaded the owners of Wycombe Retail Park to put a gate up at the entrance during the night. Since this has happened we have not had one single phone call of people displaying their cars in the car park.

Offenders brought to justice
A man received a caution for assault in Queen’s Road.
A man was charged for possession of cannabis in Pinions Road.
A man admitted a burglary in Queen’s Road and another man admitted a burglary on London Road. Both offences will be taken into consideration.
A manager from an Off Licence in Wycombe Marsh received a penalty notice for selling alcohol to an under 18.
Two boys received Youth Restorative Disposals for stealing bikes on the Rye.
A man was cautioned with shoplifting in the Shell Petrol Station in Cressex.
A man received a Penalty Notice for being drunk and disorderly on Marlow Hill.

Crime Prevention
If you come to see us on the Rye we can mark your bikes and mobile phones with property markers and give out pens that you can use at home. Also be aware of a website which allows you to record all of your valuables on a website so they are easier to return to you should they get stolen.

The next NAG will be on Wednesday 11 August at 7pm at the Cricket Club. There will also be a monthly Beat Surgery on Monday 9 August between 2pm and 4pm on the Rye.

I would also like to welcome our new Sergeant, Steve Why to the area. From this month, Sgt Why will be the neighbourhood sergeant for our area and I know he is keen to meet residents.